This was a major up-week for most markets following the election of Donald Trump in the US, putting all but three assets into the green. The only losses were in palladium, down 8.3%, silver, down 1.9%, and the Euro STOXX, off 0.2%. The largest gains were in Ethereum, up 20.1%, the CCi30 crypto index, up 12.4%, and Bitcoin, up 12.3%. Outside of crypto, the best performing assets were US stocks, which gained 6.7%, followed by coffee, up 6.3%, and Japanese stocks, up 6.0%.

All major currencies bounced higher. US Dollar cash was up 2.0%, but was outperformed by short term notes which gained 2.4%, and long term bonds, which rose 3.8%.

Although cryptos and stocks have risen to record breaking highs in dollar terms, when measured in gold, they still have a ways to go to reach record levels. Bitcoin closed the week 23% below its all-time high of 1,154 grams, while the S&P 500 is 60% below its old high of 173.1 grams. This puts Bitcoin within striking distance, especially considering its recent strength; but the S&P could double in price from here, and still fall 20% short of making a new all-time high.

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Cryptocurrencies and copper rose, but all other assets in the table moved lower. The largest gains were in Bitcoin, up 4.3%, Ethereum, up 3.7%, and the CCi30 crypto index, up 3.1%. The only other asset in the green was copper, which gained 0.1%. The largest losses were in palladium, down 4.3%, and gold stocks, down 4.2%, followed by crude oil, down 3.3%. The S&P 500 dropped 1.5%.

Most major currencies made new all-time lows mid-week, then recovered on Thursday and Friday. This includes the US Dollar, Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, Euro, Swiss Franc, and Pound Sterling. US Dollar cash, down 0.1%, outperformed both short term notes, down 0.5%, and long term bonds, down 1.5%.

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Commodities were mixed, but all other asset classes moved lower. The largest gains were in palladium, up 9.8%, crude oil, up 3.0%, and silver, up 2.5%. The only other asset in the green was platinum, which gained 0.2%. The largest losses were in Ethereum, down 9.0%, and Japanese stocks, down 5.2%, followed by gold stocks, down 4.6%. Coffee dropped 4.1% while the Dow Jones Industrials and Bitcoin each fell 3.4%.

Most major currencies made new all-time lows, including the US Dollar, Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, Euro, Swiss Franc, and Pound Sterling. Cotton also continues to fall, making a new all-time low of 8.0 mg/lb.

US Dollar cash, down 0.7%, outperformed both short term notes, down 0.9%, and long term bonds, down 2.5%.

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National currencies, bonds, and stock markets (other than gold stocks) all closed the week lower; cryptocurrencies moved higher, and commodities were mixed but mostly lower. Bitcoin and Ether had the largest gains, rising 7.2% and 6.0% respectively, followed by gold stocks, up 5.4%. The largest losses were in crude oil, down 10.5%, and copper, down 4.7%, followed by Japanese stocks, down 4.5%, and cotton, down 4.0%.

Most major currencies made new all-time lows, including the US Dollar, Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, Euro, Swiss Franc, and Pound Sterling. Cotton made a new all-time low of 8.1 mg/lb, and is now 39% cheaper than it was a year ago.

Once again, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 each hit new all-time highs in US Dollar terms, but both are more than 60% below their all-time highs when measured in gold.

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Stocks and cryptos rose, while other asset classes were mixed. Palladium and Japanese stocks had the largest gains, rising 6.5% and 2.5% respectively, followed by the crude oil, up 1.6%, and the Dow Jones Industrials, up 1.3%. The largest losses were in silver, down 2.7%, and coffee, down 2.0%, followed by long term treasury bonds, down 1.9%, and platinum, down 1.5%.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 each hit new all-time highs in US Dollar terms; both are more than 60% below their all-time highs when measured in gold.

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Continuing the pattern of the last two weeks, national currencies and bonds moved lower and cryptos rose, while stocks and commodities were mixed. The broad CCi30 crypto index and coffee had the largest gains, rising 6.0% and 5.1% respectively, followed by the Nikkei 225 index, up 4.3%, and copper, up 3.8%. The largest losses were in crude oil, down 6.0%, and palladium, down 5.4%, followed by gold stocks, down 2.8%, and long dated treasury bonds, down 2.4%.

Many national currencies made new all-time lows this week, including the US and Canadian Dollars, the Euro, the Pound, the Swiss Franc, and the Chinese Renminbi. The only major exception was the Japanese Yen; the Yen hit bottom earlier this year, and currently sits 2.2% above its all-time low.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 fell 1.5% each. This in contrast to their US Dollar prices reaching new all-time highs; both are more than 60% below their all-time highs when measured in gold.

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Once again, national currencies and bonds moved lower and cryptos rose, while stocks and commodities were mixed. Ethereum and silver had the largest gains, rising 3.4% and 3.3% respectively, followed by Bitcoin, up 2.9%, and cotton, up 2.7%. The largest losses were in coffee, down 5.4%, the Japanese Yen, down 3.2%, and the long dated treasury bonds, down 2.7%.

Many national currencies made new all-time lows this week, including the US and Canadian Dollars, the Euro, the Swiss Franc, and the Chinese Renminbi. Exceptions were the Japanese Yen and the Pound Sterling; the Yen hit bottom earlier this year, and the Pound (not in chart) bucked the trend, rising 0.23% after making a new all-time low last week.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 rose slightly, but despite reaching new all-time highs when measured in US Dollars, they are more than 60% below their all-time highs when measured in gold. Gold mining stocks were the week's worst performing equities, with the HUI falling 1.1%.

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National currencies and bonds moved lower and cryptos rose, while stocks and commodities were mixed. Bitcoin and the 30 crypto index had the largest gains, rising 9.4% and 9.1% respectively. Outside of crypto, gold stocks rose 9.0% and palladium advanced 8.1%. The largest losses were in national currencies, with the Canadian Dollar down 2.8%, The US Dollar down 2.7%, and the Euro down 2.6%. Bonds were also down; short term treasuries fell 2.5% and long term treasuries were off 1.8%.

Many national currencies closed at new all-time lows, including the US, Canadian, and Australian Dollars, the Euro, the Pound Sterling, and the Chinese Renminbi. Exceptions were the Japanese Yen and the Swiss Franc; they hit bottom earlier this year, but still sit close to their all-time lows.

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National currencies, cryptos, and bonds all moved lower this week, while stocks and commodities were mixed, but mostly lower. Palladium had the largest gains, rising 3.9%. The only other assets in the green were the Dow Jones Industrials, up 0.9%, the S&P 500, up 0.2%, and silver, which closed unchanged. The largest losses were in cryptos, with the broad CCi30 index down 9.1%, and Ethereum down 8.6%. Outside of crypto, the worst losses were in cotton, off 2.2%, and long term treasuries and gold stocks, off 2.0% each.

Other notable losses were in crude oil, down 1.8%, and the Euro, down 1.2%. The USD finished 0.1% lower. The best performing national currency was the Canadian Dollar, which was little changed.

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Stocks moved higher; national currencies, bonds, and cryptos declined, and commodities were mixed. The best performers were gold stocks, up 6.1%, and Japanese stocks, up 5.1%. The largest declines were in Bitcoin, down 5.6%, and the CCi30 crypto index, down 5.2%. Cotton and the Japanese Yen were tied for third place, down 3.3% apiece. The US Dollar fell 2.4% to a new all-time low of 12.5 mg.

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