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Comments on Big Mac Prices
David @ 7:06 am
When I click on the chart to see a magnified version, it shows the wrong chart. It's linked to BGMI-1940.pdf
editor @ 11:08 am
@David: Oops! All fixed now! Thanks!
Alex @ 11:16 am
Is it possible to update of the chart to 2016/17 and to include CHF, GBP, CAD? Thanks
Flavian Bergström @ 7:09 am
Time to update the golden Big Mac Index! Interestingly a Big Mac now costs much more dollars than it did in 2011 when gold was at a all time high. I think this indicates that gold will reach a new all time high quite soon and taken into account that Big Mac prices now are much higher than they were in 2011, gold is now actually much cheaper than it was in 2011.
editor @ 8:48 pm
Thanks for the reminder, Flavian! The website I used to get the Big Mac data from is defunct, but the Economist now publishes the data on GitHub… So we are now up to date. Expect updates every 6 months or so (Jan and Jul, another update soon).
Richard @ 7:04 pm
Does this chart consider that Big Macs have gotten much smaller over the years? I bet gold is even more valuable once you consider shrinkflation.
Kevin t @ 11:20 am
This definitely needs an update
Ken P @ 5:12 pm
There's no evidence that the Big Mac has changed size.