All asset categories were mixed this week. The largest gains were in platinum, which rose 2.0%, but long term bonds and Japanese stocks also outperformed, rising 1.9% each. Coffee continued to fall, giving up 4.6% for the week's biggest loss. The Euro STOXX 50 was also hit hard, dropping 3.2%.
The Japanese Yen was the only rising national currency, gaining 1.0%. The Canadian Dollar and Euro were the weakest, falling 1.1% and 1.0% respectively. The US Dollar fell 0.6%, while short term bonds gave up 0.3% and long term bonds gained 1.9%, an outstanding performance for a so called "risk free" asset.
Bitcoin rose early in the week, hitting a high of 97.5 grams on Wednesday the 20th, then pulling back to finish the week at 95.4 grams, up 1.0%. Ethereum followed a similar pattern, but fell more sharply on Thursday, ending the week off 1.0%.
The Japanese Nikkei index gained 1.9%, the only major stock index to rise this week. Gold stocks also rose, adding 1.6%. The Euro STOXX showed the largest losses, falling 3.2%. US stocks also pulled back, as the Dow Industrials fell 1.9%. Though not covered in this table, the UK FTSE index fell 1.3%, outperforming both its US and EU counterparts despite the controversy over the impending UK exit from the EU.
Coffee prices plunged 4.6%, the largest losses of any asset class covered here. Copper also took a drubbing, falling 2.9%. The largest gains were in platinum, which rose 2.0%. Palladium pulled back 0.7% and silver was little changed, closing up 0.1%.
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