National currencies fell, but other asset classes were mixed. The largest gains were in gold stocks, which rose 4.3%, while the Dow Industrials took the largest hit, dropping 4.0%. Crude oil also fell hard, declining 3.9%.
The Canadian Dollar and Chinese Yuan dropped 1.8% and 1.7% respectively, the largest losses among the national currencies. The best performer was the Swiss Franc (not in table) which gave up 0.5%. The Euro declined 0.6% and the US Dollar closed off 0.7%. Short term notes tracked USD cash, declining 0.7%. Long term bonds rose 1.0%, putting them back in the black over the last year.
Bitcoin rose to a high of 170.3 grams on Monday, then declined through the week to finish at 163.1 grams, down 2.1%. Ethereum rose to a high of 4.29 grams on Tuesday, then settled back to close at 4.09 grams, up 0.4%.
Although the HUI gold stocks gained 4.3%, making them the week's best performing asset, all other equity indexes in the table ended lower. US stocks, including the Dow Industrials, which fell 4.0%, were among the week's worst performers. Among the major equity indexes, the Japanese Nikkei fell the least, giving up 0.9%.
Crude oil was the weakest of the commodities, falling 3.9%. Metals were mixed, as platinum and palladium fell 3.3% and 2.9% respectively, but silver gained 1.0% and copper added 1.1%.
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