This week, stocks were higher, bonds were lower, and other asset classes were mixed. The biggest moves were in commodities, as platinum rose 3.5% and coffee dropped 2.9%. Ethereum continued to take a pummeling, falling 2.8% on top of the prior week's 23% loss.
The strongest national currency was Canada's Loonie; the CAD rose 0.7%. Weakest was the Japanese Yen, which fell 1.1%. The USD dropped 0.3%, as did its short term bonds. Long term treasury bonds fell 0.7%.
Bitcoin stumbled early in the week, but then rose steadily to finish at 168.5 grams, up 0.5%. Ethereum fell to a low of 4.77 grams on Wednesday, but recovered to close at 5.48 grams, down 2.8%.
Stocks had a very good week, with the Dow Jones Industrials and the HUI gold stocks rising 0.7% – the weakest performance for the indexes tracked here. The Japanese Nikkei rose the most, gaining 2.4%. The Euro STOXX 50 also had a good week, adding 2.0%.
As mentioned above, commodities saw the largest price swings, as platinum, which has been hovering near its all-time lows, gained 3.5% to close at 20.8 grams, and coffee dropped 2.9%, edging out Ethereum for the title of worst performer overall. Crude oil was strong, rising 1.6%. Silver was unchanged for the week.
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