Weekly Update 17 Nov 2017: Cryptos on Fire

All asset classes except cryptocurrencies had mixed results this week. Bitcoin made the largest gains, rising 17.0% to close at 186.2 grams, after hitting a new all time high of 190.6 grams on Thursday. Ethereum also had a great week, rising 10.8%. The largest losses were in coffee, which fell 2.9% for the week.

The Canadian Dollar was the weakest currency, falling 1.1% to 18.9 mg. The strongest currency was the Euro, which gained 1.0% to close at 28.5 mg. Long term bonds rose 1.8% while short term bonds dropped 0.1%. Notes of zero maturity (USD cash) were unchanged for the week at 24.2 mg.

Bitcoin started the week by declining over the weekend, hitting a low of 141.8 grams on Sunday, then began a strong rally that carried it to a new all-time high of 190.6 grams on Thursday before settling at 186.2 grams on Friday, up 17.0%. The rising momentum has continued, setting new record highs and leaving Bitcoin at 199.2 grams as of Monday the 20th. Ethereum worked it's way higher over the course of the week, ending up 10.8% at 8.0 grams.

Gold stocks were 0.4% higher for the week, but all the major indexes were lower. The Dow Industrials and the Japanese Nikkei fell the most, dropping 0.3% each. The S&P 500 and the Euro STOXX each fell 0.1%.

Coffee reversed course this week, falling 2.9% and giving up all of the prior week's gains. Cotton was the strongest commodity, rising 1.1%. Crude oil, palladium and copper each fell 0.3%, while silver gained 0.5% and platinum was unchanged.

Priced in Gold Weekly Summary

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