Berkshire Hathaway in Gold
Another great email this week:
I often hear that Warren Buffet thinks gold is a lousy "investment" when compared to stocks. What I've never seen is a long-term comparison of gold versus BRK-A or other well-known "successful" funds.
Any chance of seeing a chart of BRK-A in gold?
I've been keeping that chart for years, but haven't updated it lately. You can check it anytime at with the symbol "BRK/A:$GOLD". Basically, Berkshire did great until 1999, and has been lousy from then until about a year ago, falling 85% and giving up all of it's gains back to 1995. The last 12 months have been pretty good, but if you bought BRK-A anytime between 1996 and 2011, you are still underwater.
Here is a chart of BRK-A in ounces of gold:

Sir Charles
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Comments on Berkshire Hathaway in Gold
I recently looked up the full chart on stock charts above to current date. Berkshire is back to it's 2001 value level but struggles to surpass it. Pricing things in Gold really puts things in perspective. I also looked up the housing market priced in gold and that was very enlightening.
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